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Print and fold. Distribute non-commercially and credit the artist under this license.

Prezygotic Isolation

Sandra Arriaga

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Parasitic Wasps

Montgomery Perry Smith

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It's Perfectly Normal

Alexandra Westrich

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Awesome Attributes About Ants

Joe Song

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Crickets Crickets Crickets

Rachel Marino

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Do You Wear Lipstick?

Alexandria Rosen

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Strongest Creature on Earth

Michael "Twez" Chlebowski

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How to be a Proper Host

J.R. Goldberg

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Ambush Assassin Bugs


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A Brief History of Red


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Insect Mimicry

Marisa Klug

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Name & Know Your Insects

Sae Kim

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Going Undercover; Assimilation and Infiltration

Zahri Nicole Vafaee

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Moths: Monsters or More??

Loren Rozewski

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I Have No Mouth and I Must Breed

Bill Cleveland

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Behold Sinners! (Locusts)

Colleen Tuite

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Fact and Folklore

Julie Spognuolo

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Entomophagy Uncovered

Monica Ramirez

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